An Award Winning Piano Brand

The Hailun Piano Company is famous for the manufacturing of high quality pianos. What is not well known is that over the years, Hailun has invested heavily in Japanese digital equipment and production lines. Doing so, Hailun has successfully merged high-tech production with the best artistic and revolutionary assembly processes, unifying in their beautiful pianos both the European and American piano traditions, resulting in a stupendous line of world renowned pianos. Hailun has gathered the best talents from all over the globe to do so, including Peter Veletzky, a prominent Viennese craftsman from his family with a century’s piano making expertise, George F. Emerson, the well-known American piano designer, Zlatkovic Sibin, a Viennese piano tuning and voicing specialist, and Ema Shigeru, a brilliant Japanese production specialist. Together with Hailun’s vision, Hailun produces exquisite pianos with impeccable sound and lustrous results.
Hailun’s vertical and grand pianos continue to garner respect, admiration, and worldwide acknowledgement from both performers and audiences alike. Now Hailun have more than 800 dealers all over the world.
On February the 7th, 2006, CCTV reported that Hailun’s pianos had entered into the mainstream piano market with a quality instrument that meets European standards. Prestigious European owners such as the University of Music Austria, University of Music Brussels, Conservatories Paris, Chamber Hewry Wood Hall London, Wienen Music Seminar Vienna, and Musikverein Vienna now experience the quality and performance of Hailun.
Hailun’s grand piano showcased in the Golden Concert Hall in Vienna for the European Chinese Association peace celebration held on August the 16th, 2006. Hailun’s grand piano was significant because it was the first time a Chinese made piano had been featured in the Viennese Golden Concert Hall.
The Denmark Royal Family selected a Hailun piano to use in Royal Palace in 2006. Hailun Piano was chosen again and won fame for their pianos. Delighted with this achievement, Hailun Company continues to make great efforts in innovations and advancement.
In September, 2006, Hailun Piano receives the prestigious “China’s Top Brand Name” award. This is the acknowledgement and encouragement to Hailun’s years of achievement.
The Hailun 277 Professional Concert Grand piano was chosen by both world renowned pianist, Lang Lang, and one of the greatest pianists from Sweden, Robert Wales, for the Beijing Olympic celebration party in 2007. The whole world witnessed the performance upon one of many of Hailun’s best pianos.
Hailun Piano was chosen for 2008 Olympic performance and was awarded the International Six Golden Star Medal by the european authority music magazine DIAPASON. It was the first time that a chinese piano was awarded such a high honor in the world leveled european authority piano contest.
In 2009, Hailun Piano Company was authorized as a national leveled industrial culture demonstrative site, and a national culture export keystone company.
Hailun Piano was sampled by China Light Industry Musical Instrument Quality Supervise & Exam Center for piano music quality examination in January 2010.
Hailun Piano is awarded as Upper level in Consumer-Grade Pianos for three consecutive years of 2011, 2012, & 2013 by the Piano Buyer Magazine. The definitive piano buying guide as well as the supplement and successor to the well-known reference The Piano Book, which is the principal consumer guide to buying a piano in the market of North America.
In 2012, Hailun won the Musical Merchandise Review (MMR) “Acoustic Piano Line of the year” for the 20th Annual Dealer’s Choice Awards, overpowering Japanese high-end piano brand with Hailuns’ famous HU5P model.
In 2013, Hailun won MMR’s “Acoustic Piano Line of the year” again for the Hailun Grand HG178!
In 2014, Hailun won MMR’s “Acoustic Piano Line of the year” again for the Hailun Grand HG178!
In 2015, Hailun was given MMR’s “Legacy Award” and was recognized in the Hall of Fame. The Hailun HG178 was the only acoustic grand piano to be in MMR’s Hall of Fame.
On November 2016, Hailun Chen and his wife won the Austrian Schumpeter Prize for their innovative spirit. The Schumpeter Prize is awarded in recognition of contributions in the field of economics and politics.
In 2017, Hailun won “Acoustic Piano Line of the year” again for the entire Hailun Piano Line.
In 2018, Hailun won Music Inc.’s Editors Choice Award during the 2018 NAMM (National Association of Musical Merchandise) show.