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George F. Emerson
George F. Emerson brings 32 years of experience to Hailun Pianos as a designer for well-known American piano manufacturers Baldwin Piano and Organ Company and Mason and Hamlin. As Chief Scale Designer and Lead Engineer for Hailun Pianos, he has received the highest honor China awards to foreign experts for helping advance the development of Chinese society, economy, technology, science, and education: The 2008 China Friendship Gold Medal. Emerson was one of only 50 foreigners out of 485,000 foreign experts in China to receive this award.

Sibin Zlakovic
Sibin Zlakovic worked at the famous European firm of Bösendorfer; he has over 20 years experience specializing in tuning, voicing, and maintenance of sound quality. Mr. Zlakovic is not only responsible for the tuning of the Hailun pianos, but also developed and manages the training program required of other tuners at Hailun.

Stephen Paulello
Stephen Paulello has won international piano competitions as concert and recording pianist, and teaches piano and chamber music at the university level. He completed also his technical education with the Bechstein and Steinway & Sons piano Companies. After his employment as concert services for Bechstein in Paris, he spent time in Germany to develop his piano building ability. “I wanted to do something different, something new, to develop as an alternative for pianists.” Stephen Paulello’s patents and grand piano designs have won numerous awards, including awards from the French Ministry for Culture. In addition to designing pianos for the renowned French “Maison Pleyel” and under his own name, he created pianos with Hailun of uncompromising quality.

Claire Pichet
Claire Pichet has many years of experience in the restoration of antique instruments while maintaining expertise in CAD and robotics. She is a specialist in 2D and 3D computer designs of upright and grand pianos and responsible for combining tradition artistic workmanship and high technology computer designing at Hailun. Her contributions to Hailun’s production and quality improvement processes have been invaluable and are reflected in the overall consistency of Hailun instruments.

Mike Carraher
Registered Piano Technician (RPT) member of the Piano Technicians Guild.
Since 1979 Mike has worked full time in piano service and rebuilding. He has been a Certified Examiner for the PTG since 1981 and has served on numerous committees at the local and national level. Mike has received several PTG awards including Member of Note and Examiner of the Year. Mike developed the first repair jigs for the PTG Technical Exam, created Associate Days, which was the first pilot program in the North East for mentoring those aspiring to RPT certification, and continues to provide training and mentorship as a regional and National PTG instructor. He has also served as Chapter President in two different PTG chapters.
Since 1979 Mike has worked full time in piano service and rebuilding. He has been a Certified Examiner for the PTG since 1981 and has served on numerous committees at the local and national level. Mike has received several PTG awards including Member of Note and Examiner of the Year. Mike developed the first repair jigs for the PTG Technical Exam, created Associate Days, which was the first pilot program in the North East for mentoring those aspiring to RPT certification, and continues to provide training and mentorship as a regional and National PTG instructor. He has also served as Chapter President in two different PTG chapters.

Keith Bowman
Registered Piano Technician (RPT) member of the Piano Technicians Guild
Keith has 40 years experience in woodworking and has worked full time in piano technology for over 30 years, including player pianos, harpsichords and historic instruments. He served as a PTG tuning and technical examiner for 20 years, and has received several PTG and industry awards including Member of Note, Trade Relations and a Presidential Citation. In addition, Keith has served as chapter president and has chaired or served on numerous PTG committees at the regional and national level. In the last 18 years, he has developed a product line of tuning levers, voicing tools and shop fixtures which are distributed world-wide through Renner USA. Keith teaches regionally and nationally on many subjects and has authored several articles in the Piano Technicians Journal.
Keith has 40 years experience in woodworking and has worked full time in piano technology for over 30 years, including player pianos, harpsichords and historic instruments. He served as a PTG tuning and technical examiner for 20 years, and has received several PTG and industry awards including Member of Note, Trade Relations and a Presidential Citation. In addition, Keith has served as chapter president and has chaired or served on numerous PTG committees at the regional and national level. In the last 18 years, he has developed a product line of tuning levers, voicing tools and shop fixtures which are distributed world-wide through Renner USA. Keith teaches regionally and nationally on many subjects and has authored several articles in the Piano Technicians Journal.

Ema Shigeru
Japanese piano engineer Ema Shigeru, joined the Hailun international team after years of work experience at Asahi. He brings to Hailun his talent and expertise in the production of grand pianos. In return, his dedication and commitment to excellence are evidenced by the quality of Hailun grand pianos.

Peter Veletzky
Peter Veletzky was born into the 4th generation of Wendl & Lung owners. From childhood on, he has worked in the family-owned piano company. At age 22, he became Austria’s youngest piano master builder. He took over the family-owned company in 1994.
Peter Veletzky is driven by his passion to construct only newly designed piano models. His enormous general knowledge and experience has come about through his detailed study of the construction and building of various worldwide piano brands. In 2003 he was sworn in as a legal piano expert for the Republic of Austria.
Peter Veletzky is driven by his passion to construct only newly designed piano models. His enormous general knowledge and experience has come about through his detailed study of the construction and building of various worldwide piano brands. In 2003 he was sworn in as a legal piano expert for the Republic of Austria.
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